CLIL: A new English educationA global English introduction to experiencing it for real.
Our school believes that English is not a “subject” but an essential tool.
English is for our professional and private lives. If considered from a global perspective, English is used by about 25% of the world’s population. Therefore, English is not only required to be able to operate in real life after graduating from university, but it has become one of the most indispensable and necessary skills to have. In English education, it is important to cultivate the four skills of “reading”, “writing”, “listening”, and “speaking” in a well-balanced manner.
At KGM, this four skills balance means many opportunities for input and output in English. We also have incorporated skills that will aid students in the university reforms that are happening in Japan.
Classes by GET & TT Teachers

Global English Teachers (GET) from all over the world are responsible for daily English classes (1st to 4th grades). Daily classes are taught in a team teaching style by GET and Japanese teachers, and aim to develop a balance between the four skills in order to acquire natural English.
English classes for junior high school students are mainly conducted by a team of GET and Japanese teachers, and in particular, first-year students take 5 hours out of 6 hours of English classes a week. In the first grade English classes, students who have passed the Eiken level 3 or higher and students with high listening / speaking skills are taught in an advanced class that is different from the regular classes.
Classes Through CLIL

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a learning method that helps students learn a subject and acquire language at the same time. The aim of this approach is for students to learn vocabulary, expressions, and the content of each lesson all in the target language, English.
Our school first introduced CLIL to English classes in 2015. In order to conduct comprehensive learning while teaching English, the materials used are a combination of textbooks and materials from the world at large. As the curriculum has been developed and is maintained by our GETs our school is able to deliver a ‘cutting edge’ program.
Utilization of ICT

The school’s regular classrooms are equipped with an electronic blackboard-type projector that allows teachers to use digital teaching materials as well as play videos in each class. Additionally, students from the 2nd grade each have a laptop with Wi-Fi access available throughout the school. This makes it possible for student centered learning and allows for teachers to distribute quizzes during class, submit answers and assignments by e-mail, and share answers in class.

Initiatives for examination
Junior high school students take Eiken® during each year of study, aiming to pass a higher grade once per academic year. At the end of 2018, 72% of students passed the Eiken level 3 or higher, of which 28% passed grade 2 or higher and the percentage increases year by year. Students older than Grade 3 will work on GTEC and develop the ability to cope with the new university entrance examination system in the future.

Level up further in the school English conversation classes
Afterschool English conversation classes are available for private or group study. Students can effectively use their time without having to external English school. Classes are set according to level and are tailored to the individual’s strength by external instructors, so students can aim for further improvement.

Develop 4 skills in a balanced manner
The regular exams so far have been revised at great length, and reading and listening tests are conducted separately for all grades. In addition, the number of speaking tests in various styles has increased from three to five times a year, creating an environment that improves listening and speaking skills, which are difficult to achieve in the written test.
Looking ahead to the new university entrance examination from 2020, which will introduce external certification examinations, we will cultivate the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in a well-balanced manner.